It's been 1.5 days since I underwent a surgery to repair my shoulder, and I can't believe that I've been struggling to find non-work thoughts and activities to fill my time. Persistent anxiety about the state I've left certain projects, which have been all-consuming in recent months, even manifests in my dreams. I've known that my work-life balance has been completely unhealthy, and have looked forward to stepping back from it upon entering my new role on 12/5/22. I've built up a list of books to read, new skills to learn (web design, storytelling), and hobbies to try (music production, photography), while I rehab from my surgery and regrettable work habits. I suppose the only thing to do is start on my list, and let new patterns replace the old over time. Cheers to not working on a Tuesday, even if it took a shoulder surgery to get me here.