Today I officially logged out of Facebook. I do not have the app on my phone and just use Chrome to doom scroll. Today, I just had enough. I catch myself doing it all the time. Its like I naturally gravitate to it, my thumb's natural navigation. Even if I fill that time spent elsewhere on social media, at least it won't be on Facebook. The vast majority of posts are worthless. Yes, it is nice to see what some old friends are up to sometimes. But in the long run, I should be doing something else. Reading, writing, skating, walking, anything really. Instagram at least has a better proportion of good content I feel. I find myself saving more there. But in the long run, I need to log out there on my phone as well. I guess it has something to do with dopamine just like everything else in our modern world. I just logged out of Instagram on my phone as well. If I want to peruse content there I will have to do it here on my Chromebook instead. I do not post much as it is so maybe I'll take this change as an opportunity to do more of that. So for now, no more doom scrolling on my phone at home or work or anywhere. I am going to keep my head up instead of in my phone. I've considered getting a dumb phone. I just wish there were more options that have the applications I need like GPS navigation and I decent camera. Instead I should look into getting a decent digital camera and make it part of my everyday carry. I just need to change things up in multiple aspects of my life and I'm choosing to start it all here. Goodnight.