The fabric of reality is itself delusional because it aims to map reality. The act of mapping what you perceive as reality is what covers the ditch. The ditch however is covered with a straw and not a permanent solution and more than often you fall in the ditch and find your clothes drenched in the mud of melancholy and despair. There is therefore, a new game that is being played by society. The game is as follows everybody has access to every experience that can exist if you remove the dimension of time. What you experience with your five senses is then needed to be curated and mapped on the cover of the ditch. The best fitting and agreeable pothole cover for the ditch is then rewarded by the society as the one of owns a sizable amount of wisdom. Thats it; all you have to do to win the game is to draw the best map good enough so people like you and me cannot distinguish between the map and the territory. The outcome of the game is what covers the ditch. The ditch however, doesn’t always remain in the same shape, it mutates and by the time there is a winner declared he/she is already history. But even being the winner of a game of the past earns you enough credit to try again. The cycle continues and the ditch is as always uncatchable. Jumping into the ditch is also a quick fix because had you stayed in the ditch you would have realised that the ditch is not the excluded part of reality but everything else much like you being confused about which side of the bars you stand on in a jail.